

Anna Kovtunenko


  • Anna Kovtunenko

National Agency on Corruption Prevention

Head of the Department of Information Systems, Analytical Work and Information Protection of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP).

Born in 1983 in Kyiv.


In 2006, she graduated with honours from the National Technical University of Ukraine ‘Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute’ with a degree in Computer Systems and Networks.

Professional activity:

From 2006 to 2016, she held various positions in the Department of Information Resources and Technologies of the Accounting Chamber. In 2016, she started working as a Chief Specialist in the Department of Information Systems, Analytical Work and Information Protection of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention. In 2018, she became the head of this department.

During her tenure at the NACP, she helped to create the Register of Declarations, the Register of Violators, the Register of Political Party Reports, the Case Management System, the Whistleblower Reporting Portal, and organised automated exchange with more than 20 state registers and databases.


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