Work is being finalised on a draft legislative act that governs the unification, digitalisation and control of asset declarations. The Central Anti-Corruption Bureau, with the support of other special services, is preparing a draft law on asset declarations, at the same time in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Affairs and the Central Centre of Information Technology - CBA is working on the assumptions of the requirements of the IT system, which will enable the submission of property statements by electronic means and will ultimately provide citizen-friendly services resulting from its interoperability and data-reuse.
A conference organised by the Head of the CBA, Ms Agnieszka Kwiatkowska-Gurdak, entitled “Asset declarations - unification, digitalisation, control” (9-10 December 2024), allowed a wider forum to discuss optimal legal and IT solutions resulting from international standards and experience of foreign analytical services. At the same time it provided for broader consultation of the proposed provisions involving, inter alia, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), public institutions and representatives of civil society.
In the coming weeks, the project will be submitted to the Minister of the Interior and Administration, Coordinator of Special Services Mr. Tomasz Siemoniak.
At the same time, the CBA will make available on the website https://majatkowe.cba.gov.pl content on the “Act on asset declarations”, which will update on an ongoing basis information on the course of the legislative process, including the requirements affecting the scope of the law on asset declarations.