

Asset Recovery and Management Agency of Ukraine (ARMA)

  • The Head of Ukraine's Assets Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) in a dark elegant outfit. Her hair is sleekly combed. At the top of the cover is the title of the magazine in a golden-brown font, and in the upper right corner is the issue number - “No. 25, 2025.”
At the bottom of the cover is the name of the heroine: Олена Дума (Olena Duma). It is accompanied by a quote in Ukrainian and English:
"Внутрішня сила - це поважати чужу музику, але танцювати під власну. Ми сильна нація. Ми здолаємо ворога та всі перепони."
"Inner strength means respecting others' music but dancing to your own. We are a strong nation. We will overcome the enemy and all obstacles."
The background is gradient, going from light to dark blue.

Olena Duma - Head of the Ukrainian Assets Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) took part in the International Conference entitled “Assets declarations - unification, digitization, control”, during which she gave a lecture on "Cooperation of Ukrainian services in the field of assets declarations". The Head of ARMA also talked about the challenges she faced after taking up her post, the Agency's work and plans for the future.

Kyiv Diplomatic, in an article titled. “Pride in Ukraine” describes the key steps taken by the Assets Recovery and Management Agency, paying particular attention to the need for legislative changes in the area of confiscation of criminal property and its transfer to Ukraine. They also stressed the importance of cooperation with international partners. The full article is available at the following website:


On 9 December 2024, a partnership and cooperation agreement was signed between the Assets Recovery and Management Agency and the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau, under which the parties undertook, among other things, to exchange information, analytical and expert materials, and carry out joint research and educational projects.

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